Cannot open the preferences file. Most likely it is damaged and you should remove it.
Error Code = ^1
Cannot open the log file.
Cannot find or open the System Folder.
Error Code = ^1
This Server requires OpenTransport TCP/IP.
Cannot start the service “^0”.
Error code = ^1
Cannot start the line “^0”.
Error code = ^1
Cannot configure the service “^0”. Error code = ^1.
Default values are used.
The settings for the service “^0” are not compatible with the current version.
Default values are used.
Cannot configure the entity “^0”.
Error code = ^1
The settings for the entity “^0” are not compatible with the current version.
Default values are used.
Cannot restore the “^0” settings. ^2
Error code = ^1.
Default values are used.
The “^0” settings are not compatible with the current version.
Default values are used.
Cannot find or open the server folder. Error code = ^1
Cannot find or open the “^0” folder. Error code = ^1
Cannot clean the SIMS Temp Files Folder.
Error Code = ^1
Cannot find or open the “^0” file.
Error code = ^1
The server is too outdated to start this version of “^0”.
You have ^1 users registered with this server, and you don't have a license for that.
Please get a license key or unregister some users.
Failed to scan the New Messages folder: Error code = ^1.
No new messages will be taken till restart.
The file “^0” in New Messages is a stranger and does not move to Bad Messages: Error Code = ^1.
No new messages will be taken till restart.
Cannot create a File-ID for the new message “^0”. Error Code = ^1.
No new messages will be taken till restart.
Cannot rename the new message file “^0”. Error Code = ^1.
No new messages will be taken till restart.
Cannot move the new message file “^0” to the Queue folder. Error Code = ^1.
No new message will be processed till restart.
Cannot open the Log file “^0”.
Error Code = ^1
Writing to the Log file failed.
Error Code = ^1
The Memory Partition size has been changed to ^1Kbytes.
Restart the Server to use the new partition size.
The “TCP Agent” application is not found in the Modules folder.
Too many messages (^1) are stored in the server queues. New messages will be received, but they will not be processed till some messages are moved out.
There is not enough memory (^1K) left in the Server partition. Remove some modules, restart, and increase the partition size in the General Settings.